How To Level Up In 2024, Part 3: Changing Mindset, Setting Goals, and Manifesting

In this episode, we discuss the importance of mindset and goals in leveling up in 2024. I share three key strategies that have helped me change my mindset and set meaningful goals.

First, we discuss the importance of recognizing that you can only control yourself and your circumstances. Second, we talk about how to be mindful of how you speak about your circumstances and yourself. Finally, we discuss the concept of manifesting and setting goals. 

What you'll learn in this episode:
00:00 | Intro
04:01 | Changing mindset and perspective
08:30 | Putting worth in the right places
11:24 | Being mindful of how you speak about circumstances
14:12 | Practicing a mindset of abundance
15:04 | Exploring the concept of manifesting
19:47 | Focus on small habits to achieve big goals

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Leveling Up in 2024: A Mindset and Goals Journey

Welcome back to the Mom Guilt podcast! In this episode, we continue our series on leveling up in 2024. Today, we're diving into the topics of mindset and goals, two crucial elements that can help us create a life we never thought possible. I want to share with you three key insights that have personally transformed my own mindset and goal-setting process. So let's jump right in!

1. Rooting Yourself in Faith and Worth

To change our mindset, we must first change our perspective. It's essential to recognize that we can only control ourselves and our circumstances. This realization is like finding a "God socket" within us, a connection to our faith and spirituality that fills the void in our hearts. By spending time in our faith and accepting our worth through our beliefs, we can find peace and stability even in challenging situations.

"If you're reacting on a scale of ten, what are you putting in place of that God socket?... Don't give them the power to shake your emotions and the environment that you're in." - Vanna

By understanding that our worth is not determined by external factors such as our job performance or the opinions of others, we can free ourselves from the need for validation. Instead, we can focus on being rooted in our true selves and knowing our inherent worth.

2. Speaking from a Place of Abundance

The way we speak about our circumstances and ourselves has a significant impact on our mindset. Instead of focusing on what we lack, we can shift our perspective to one of abundance. By reframing our thoughts and words, we can cultivate a positive mindset that attracts more positivity into our lives.

"Be careful about how you speak about your circumstances and yourself... Focus on the other four good things. Just always try to come from a place of abundance rather than lack." - Vanna

Rather than saying, "I don't have enough money," we can say, "My bills are paid, and I have income coming in. Let's figure out how to increase it or budget better." This shift in language helps us focus on what we have and opens up possibilities for growth and improvement.

3. Manifesting Your Goals

Manifesting may sound like a woo-woo concept, but it's about planning and taking action to bring our goals to fruition. By writing out our desires and creating a plan, we set the wheels in motion for success. However, it's crucial to approach manifesting with a sense of detachment and trust in divine timing.

"Plan it out, have a plan, take action on that plan... But in doing that, knowing that at the right time, the things in your life that you want will come to you, your goals will be reached." - Vanna

Manifesting is not about obsessing over our goals or forcing them to happen. It's about setting intentions, taking consistent action, and allowing the universe to work its magic. By focusing on the small habits and routines that align with our goals, we create the foundation for the big things to come.

Implications and Potential Impact

Adopting a mindset rooted in faith, abundance, and manifesting can have a profound impact on our lives. By recognizing our worth and finding peace within ourselves, we become less affected by external circumstances and the opinions of others. This newfound resilience allows us to navigate challenges with grace and maintain our inner peace.

Shifting our language from a place of lack to one of abundance opens up possibilities and attracts more positivity into our lives. By focusing on what we have and expressing gratitude, we create a positive feedback loop that brings more blessings our way.

Finally, by embracing the concept of manifesting, we take control of our goals and dreams. We create a roadmap for success and trust that the universe will align with our desires when the time is right. This mindset shift empowers us to take action, stay committed, and ultimately achieve our goals.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

As we enter 2024, let's commit to leveling up our mindset and goals. By rooting ourselves in faith, speaking from a place of abundance, and embracing the power of manifesting, we can create a life we never thought possible. Remember, it's a journey, and it takes time and effort to change our mindset and set meaningful goals. But with dedication and perseverance, we can experience true freedom in motherhood and prioritize ourselves.

In the coming year, let's continue to explore these topics and dive deeper into the habits and systems that can support our growth. I encourage you to reach out and share your thoughts and suggestions for future episodes. Together, we can build a community of empowered mothers who are unapologetically pursuing their dreams and finding joy in every season of motherhood.

Thank you for being a part of the Mom Guilt podcast community. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. Here's to a transformative and empowering 2024!

Remember, you are enough, and take what you need and nothing more.

With love,


How To Level Up In 2024, Part 4: 10 Habits to Change Your Life


How To Level Up In 2024, Part 2: Organize & Automate Your Life